
Curator talks to artist

Andreas Siqueland og Hanne Beate Ueland

22. Feb 2024 KL. 18:00 - 19:00

Stavanger Art Museum invited Andreas Siqueland (b. 1973) to create new works in dialogue with the Halvdan Hafsten collection. Halvdan Hafsten (1905-1993) donated his art collection of 208 works created by eight male Norwegian artists to Stavanger Art Museum (then Rogaland Art Museum) in 1984. Since 1992, the collection has been presented in a dedicated wing of the museum. The museum aimed to question the traditional interpretation and presentation of the artworks.

Over several years, Andreas Siqueland has explored the relevance of painting through landscape art, with a particular focus on the relationship between painting and geographical locations. He has investigated how the connection to surroundings influences the artistic process. In larger installations, he has emphasized this relationship by displaying works in layers. This practice inspired the museum to approach Siqueland with the idea of creating an exhibition in dialogue with works from Hafsten's collection.

In this conversation, artist Andreas Siqueland and curator and director Hanne Beate Ueland will reflect on the process leading up to the finished exhibition. They will discuss the relationship between the private and the public and how such considerations have influenced the artist in developing a concept for the exhibition.

The conversation will be in Norwegian.