Laura Raicovich
On the museum and the private collection
Laura Raicovich, a New York-based writer and curator, will in this lecture discuss the relationship between private collections and public art museums.
Raicovich has authored the book Culture Strike: Art and Museums in an Age of Protest (2021), in which she explores the situation in American art museums. The book is partly inspired by her own experience as the director of the Queens Museum in New York and paints a clear picture of the challenges facing American museums, which are largely funded by individuals, private philanthropies, and corporations. Raicovich's advocacy is rooted in a strong belief in the potential of museums as agents of multiple voices, including those suppressed or marginalized in mainstream society. Despite challenges, she continues to believe in museums' ability to contribute to positive social change.
We have invited Raicovich to contribute a text to the exhibition "The Forbidden Forest - Andreas Siqueland and the Halvdan Hafsten Collection." In this context, she has examined the conditions in Norwegian art museums. How can museums work with their private collections to generate the greatest understanding and interest among a broad audience? What happens when art museums, in their efforts to secure increasingly expensive artworks for their collections, enter into agreements with wealthy individuals? How can museums be clear and transparent with their audiences and remain faithful to ethical guidelines in an increasingly challenging economic situation?
Welcome to an engaging lecture with a radical and knowledgeable author and curator. The talk will be in English.