Between Plants and People
Plants have always been important. However, the depiction and our use of them are historically and culturally biased and tells about our world view and how we perceive and value nature.
In the exhibition Flora we will, primarily through contemporary art, look at artists' use of plants and flowers related to subjects like botany, gender, power, order/disorder and harmony.
Artists: Alberto Baraya, Camilla Berner, Christine Borland, Frants Bøe, Joscelyn Gardner, Dzamil Kamanger, Kalle Hamm & Band of Weeds, Ingela Ihrman, Rita Kernn-Larsen, Roland Persson, Iiu Susiraja, Gerd Tinglum, Kristin Tårnesvik & Espen Sommer Eide, Danh Vo and Marit Victoria Wulff Andreassen.
The exhibition will be on display at Randers Art Museum in Denmark from February 1st to May 17th 2020.